VirtualPathProvider Class

This is what cache or assets folders should be powered by in many cases

VirtualPathProvider Class (System.Web.Hosting)

lets you do cool stuff like storing MVC views in a database

Sunroof Fail

You may have to click for the full size image, but hardware store plexi + expansion caulk != sunroof repair




Things that indicate your trip to the dealership will be expensive

A) you walk into a service bay and the front clip of you vehicle is in a pile on the floor

B) catastrophic failure of the pressure side of your ac system clears out the service bay

C) the description of you bill begins with the statement "we felt bad for you so we knocked off $100 + an additional 10%

D) all of the above

Today was D... Stupid car...


When the guys at SOG take a break from making wicked knives they make tiny  cute ones
When the guys at SOG take a break from making wicked knives they make tiny cute ones
Healthy foods kill: http://ping.fm/7DUZG
wife & baby are away visiting her parents. I have read all the news in my rss reader, that hasnt happened in a long time... now what to do?


possibly the most confusing thing I have seen this month Natalie Portman + bollywood ? http://ping.fm/8CdWB
pocket twit's ping fm integration does not seem to be working with photos. anybody out there know if there is a way to fix that?


Developer Fusion .NET Code Converter

This is about the most reliable c# to vb or vb to c# online converter I have found.
in reference to: Convert C# to VB.NET - A free code conversion tool - developer Fusion - ASP.NET, C# Programming, VB.NET, .NET Framework, Java and Visual Basic Tutorials (view on Google Sidewiki)

Firefox Feedly RSS option

If you use Firefox with a RSS button and want the default RSS page to offer a Feedly option here is what you need to do: go to the about:c...