simple js geolocation test

Nothing really special here, js Geolocation pulling a static google map image as a very simple example to test some browser settings.  See the code below or run the example here.

You Are Here:<br />
<img id='gmpsimg' />

<script type="text/javascript">
 if (navigator.geolocation) {
  var timeoutVal = 10 * 1000 * 1000;
    { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: timeoutVal, maximumAge: 0 }
 else {
  alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser");

 function gmp(position) {
  document.getElementById('gmpsimg').src = 
  + position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude +

 function showerror(error) {
  var errors = { 
    1: 'Permission denied',
    2: 'Position unavailable',
    3: 'Request timeout'
  alert("Error: " + errors[error.code]);

Firefox Feedly RSS option

If you use Firefox with a RSS button and want the default RSS page to offer a Feedly option here is what you need to do: go to the about:c...